Do you have a complaint?
As a service company, we make every effort to serve you as well and correctly as possible. Despite our efforts, it can still happen that a mistake is made (nothing human is alien to us), or that you are not satisfied with our organisation for other reasons. If this is the case, we hope you will contact us immediately so that we can work with you to find a good solution in order to solve the problem. We assume that your complaint is in good faith and expresses genuine and well-founded concerns. Your complaint gives us the opportunity to correct any mistakes and improve our service wherever possible. We treat your complaint with great care and take every complaint seriously.
Many complaints arise from misunderstandings, which can often be rectified in a good conversation. This conversation is therefore our preference. Moreover, it also allows us to get a better idea of the nature of the complaint and how it came about. We hope to reach a solution quickly with this approach.
If the problem cannot be solved in this way or if a conversation is not your preference, you can submit the complaint formally in writing.